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 Addressing global oral health challenges by improving access, prevention, and education to reduce tooth decay, gum disease, and oral disparities.

Addressing the Dental Care Gap: A Call to Action for Global Oral Health

 A major contributing factor to the shortage of dental providers in various regions within the USA is the lack of practitioners accepting Government Insurances for dental care, mainly due to inadequate reimbursement rates

Although some areas in the USA have a high concentration of dentists, individuals with low-reimbursing government insurance often struggle to access dental care. Despite the availability of providers, these patients face delays and barriers to treatment.

As the WHO devises strategies to address the global oral health burden, it is imperative for the United States to take a leading role by enhancing its healthcare systems for its citizens and extending support to the international community through pertinent healthcare initiatives, educational programs, symposia, training sessions, and strategic planning efforts.

Our organization is spearheading efforts to alleviate the global oral health burden through publications, fostering a consortium of dentists capable of thinking innovatively beyond their individual practices to tackle these challenges, and establishing a comprehensive framework for the future aimed at mitigating or eradicating the Global Oral Health Burden.

To engage in collaborative paid or voluntary contractual endeavors and operations on a global scale to address the worldwide burden of oral health and overall health.